ReconTarget is a web based Reconnaisance tool that provide a lot of features for gathering useful information of your target website. This tool is built with Python framework, Flask. This tool is also integrated with database (MySQL) for storing your target list and its informations, so you can use it for managing your target list instead of storing it in a raw text file.


First of all, you need to create one database by typing this command in your terminal

$ sudo mysql -u <ur mysql user> -p -e 'CREATE DATABASE <db you'd like to create>

ex: sudo mysql -u root -p -e 'CREATE DATABASE recon'

Create DB

Then, you can type these following for installing the web application

$ git clone
$ cd ReconTarget
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ chmod +x
$ ./


After installation, you can access this tool in by typing this following

$ python3

Login Page

Then, you can log in to web application with these 2 default users

  1. sayang:sayang123 (administrator)
  2. hekmen:hekmen123 (ordinary user)

Role List

There are differences between administrator and user role.

  • administrator, this role is able to manage user (add, edit, delete) and update the web app
  • ordinary user, this role is onyle able to perform recon and edit its own profile

Administrator Page


User Page


Manage user

These are some preview of the page of user manager

User Manager

Manage User

Edit Profile

Edit Profile

Add User

Add User

Edit User

Edit User


These are some preview of usage of this tool

Add Target

Add Target

List Target

Raw Result of List Target

Target Info

Target Raw Info

Reverse IP

Reverse IP

Reverse IP Result

Reverse IP Raw Result